Feedback from our Christmas Giving Program
Here are some feedback letters from recipents of our West 7th Street Boys Club Christmas Program. Thank you for your generosity. …
Successful Holiday Season
Dear Members,Happy New Year to all and thanks to everyone for shopping, delivering, and yourdonations. Also, thanks to those of you that found families and individuals wecould help this last holiday season. This season’s donations to the Boy’s Club bythe…
Annual Holiday Letter
Dear Members, Greetings to one and all and welcome to the 2021 Holiday Season for the Boys Club. We will be assisting families and individuals again this year. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, November 17, 6PM at Mancini’s. Our…
Summer Schedule for Boys Club Activities
I wanted to get you these hot off the press! Here are the dates and locations for the summer Boys Club Activities. I will also get you flyers as soon as I get them done! Amy June 3rd – MLK June…
Monroe Hall of Fame, Sunday, June 13th. at Degidio’s restaurant.
We are having the second annual Monroe Hall of Fame, Sunday, June 13th. at Degidio’s restaurant. This year’s inductees are Tom Weaver, Jerry Weaver, Leo McMahon, Glen Lorenz, and Mike Haedrich. Tickets are $20 if purchased before the date of the…
Upcoming Holiday Activities
Dear Members, Greetings to one and all and welcome to the 2020 Holiday Season for the Boys Club. We will be assisting families and individuals again this year. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, November 17, 6PM at Mancini’s. Our…
Monroe Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet
The first Monroe Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet will be held at DeGidio’s on Sunday, August 23rd. The Banquet was sold out. Below are those honered and pictures from the Banquet. Thanks to Bob McManon, Jason Tschida and…
Joe and Stans Benefit for Boys Club
Joe & Stan’s Pub & Grill is offering a benefit for the West 7th Street Boys Club. We hope that you can attend this February 16h event.
Annual Report
Dear Members, Happy New Year to all and thanks to everyone for shopping, delivering, and your donations. Also, thanks to those of you that found families and individuals that we could help this last Holiday Season. After serving thirty-three thousand…