West 7th Street Boys Club

2022 Final Letter

Dear Members,

Happy New Year everyone. Another great Holiday Season, as a matter of fact, the biggest since the inception of the club! The amount the club spent this season was $38,106. That doesn’t count all that was donated to the club.

Pool & Yacht: turkeys, toys, gift cards Joe Fox: Bikes

Tom Campion: Turkeys

Mike Pickett:       Christmas Trees

The Boys Club gave out 252 gift cards, and that number does not include gift cards that were donated to us. Sixty-Four meals were delivered to families. Between the club, Tom Campion and the P & Y, 92 turkeys were delivered. Three hundred seventy-two new bikes were given away! Thanks to Joe Fox for 350 of them.

This year’s Bob Kohout Award winner is Sammy Casalenda “Santa Claus.” Sammy is involved all year long.

If anyone forgot to make a donation this year, it’s never too late. Remember, we operate all year round. Check out our website “West 7th St. Boys Club”. A lot of great pictures there, thanks to Al Hanzal.

Thank you all. Any questions 651-587-5355




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